KBA Global Director heads to Perth – Available for consultations so book now!

KBA Global is a successful migration and education services agency which has a wealth of talent in the form of top migration and education agents across the country with over 30 years of combined industry experience. Director and Principal Migration Agent, Mr. Shambhu Kadel (MARA No: 1386072), an experienced migration agent, set up KBA Global in 2012. In that time, the company has assisted thousands of clients to successfully apply for a wide range of Australian visas as well as enrol in courses in universities and colleges all over the country. The growth in these years has been such that KBA Global is now a multinational company with a dozen offices in Australia, Nepal and the Philippines. And we continue to help dozens of clients every day in Australia and elsewhere.

Shambhu’s background was originally in computing – he taught computing science for a number of years and went on to work in the ICT Security Office in the Northern Territory Government. He later acquired a certificate in Migration Law from Australian National University then moved into the migration and education services field. Because of his expertise in migration services, Shambhu is in demand all over the country by clients wanting visa assistance as well as advice on their immigration issues and pathways related to PR. His daily calendar is typically filled with consultations as clients seek out his valuable knowledge to help them on their visa-related journeys. And as a migrant himself, Shambhu has empathy as well as wisdom and experience – all of which have made him a very popular agent in the industry.

Part of Shambhu’s brief as head of a busy migration agency with international reach is to visit all the Australian branch offices annually. This enables him to be available for consultations with potential clients he otherwise could not see in person (due to his being based in KBA’s Darwin head office).

With the re-opening of the West Australian border, Shambhu is coming to Perth!

He is available for half-hour consultations on Friday December 4, and Monday December 7 through Thursday December 10.

Last time he came to Perth, his schedule filled up very quickly. So if you would like a half hour consultation with one of the top migration agents in the country then don’t wait – call or email us today!

This is a wonderful opportunity to get direct feedback on your case from one of the best migration agents in Australia.