How to Apply for EOI Australia: A Step-by-Step Guide

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We understand that processing your documents for Australian immigration can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI). In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to apply for EOI Australia, making the process less daunting and more manageable. From understanding the system to preparing your application, we’ve got you covered.

We’ll break down the EOI submission process into easy-to-follow steps, helping you to lodge your EOI with confidence. Whether you’re looking to apply for multiple EOIs or specifically eyeing Western Australia, we’ll provide valuable insights to boost your chances of success. So, let’s dive in and explore the key components of a winning EOI application, ensuring you’re well-equipped to start your Australian adventure.

Understanding the Expression of Interest (EOI) System

To apply for EOI Australia, we need to proceed with the Expression of Interest (EOI) system. This online process is the first step in our journey to migrate to Australia. Let’s break it down and explore its key components.

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What is SkillSelect?

SkillSelect is the online platform we use to submit our EOI. It’s a system designed by the Australian government to manage skilled migration. When you submit your EOI through SkillSelect, you’re essentially telling Australia about your skills, qualifications, and desire to migrate.

The beauty of SkillSelect is its efficiency. It streamlines the visa application process, making it easier for you and the immigration authorities. Plus, it’s transparent – you can track your EOI’s progress and understand where you stand in the system.

Eligible Visa Subclasses

When you submit your EOI, you’re applying for specific visa subclasses. The main ones you can apply for through SkillSelect are:

  1. Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa
  2. Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa
  3. Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) visa

Each of the abovementioned visas has its own requirements, but they all start with an EOI submission. It’s important to note that you can express interest in more than one visa subclass in your EOI. This gives you more options and increases your chances of receiving an invitation.

Benefits of EOI ( Expression of Interest)

Submitting an EOI has several advantages for you:

  1. Flexibility: You can update your EOI at any time before receiving an invitation. This means if you improve your English skills or gain more work experience, you can update your EOI to reflect these changes.
  2. No immediate documentation: When you submit your EOI, you don’t need to provide supporting documents right away. The information you provide is taken at face value initially.
  3. Visibility to employers and state/territory governments: If you’re interested in state nomination or employer sponsorship, your EOI can be made visible to relevant parties.
  4. Multiple opportunities: Your EOI stays in the system for up to two years. During this time, you might receive an invitation in any of the invitation rounds that happen regularly.
  5. Points-based system: The EOI system uses a points-based assessment. We need a minimum of 65 points to be eligible, but scoring higher increases our chances of receiving an invitation.

To maximise your chances, you should aim for a high point score. Points are awarded based on factors like age, English language proficiency, work experience, and qualifications. You can use the PR points calculator to estimate your score.

Submitting an EOI doesn’t guarantee we’ll receive an invitation to apply for a visa. The number of people wanting to migrate to Australia often exceeds the available places. So in the next section, we’ll look at how to prepare for your EOI submission, ensuring you have all the necessary information and meet the requirements before you start the process.

Preparing for Your EOI Submission

Before you submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) for Australia, you need to make sure you’re well-prepared. This step is crucial in your journey to apply for EOI Australia. Let’s break down the key components you need to focus on.

Skills Assessment

First things first, you need to get your skills assessed. This is a must-do before you can submit your EOI. A skills assessment is an independent evaluation of your skills and qualifications by a relevant Australian assessing authority. It’s like getting a stamp of approval that says your skills match up to Australian standards.

To start this process, you need to:

  1. Identify the assessing authority for your occupation
  2. Gather all necessary documents, including qualifications and work experience proof
  3. Submit your application to the assessing authority
  4. Wait for the results

Remember, different occupations have different assessing authorities, so we need to make sure we’re applying to the right one.

English Language Proficiency

Next up is proving your English language skills. For most skilled visas, you need to show at least competent English. This means taking an approved English language test and scoring the required points.

The main tests accepted are:

• International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 
• Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-based test (TOEFL iBT)
• Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) 
• Occupational English Test (OET)

Here’s a quick breakdown of the scores we need for competent English:

• IELTS: 6.0 in each component 
• TOEFL iBT: Listening 12, Reading 13, Writing 21, Speaking 18
• PTE Academic: 50 in each component  
• PTE Academic: 50 in each component 
• OET: B in each component

If you score higher, you can claim more points for your EOI. For example, proficient English (like scoring 7.0 in each IELTS component) gives us 10 points, while superior English (8.0 in each IELTS component) awards 20 points.

Points Calculator

Now, let’s talk about the points system. Australia uses a points-based system to choose skilled people for migration. You need to score at least 65 points to be eligible to submit an EOI. But remember, the higher your score, the better your chances of getting an invitation to apply for a visa.

You can use the SkillSelect EOI points calculator to estimate your score. Here’s what you get points for:

• Age (maximum 30 points) 
• English language skills (maximum 20 points)
• Work experience (both in and outside Australia)
• Educational qualifications 
• Australian study 
• Specialist education qualification
• Partner skills  
• Professional Year in Australia

For example, if you’re between 25-32 years old, that’s 30 points right there. Add 20 points for superior English, 15 points for a bachelor’s degree, and you’re already at 65 points!

It’s important to note that for some visas, like the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190), you`ll get an extra 5 points for state nomination. For the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491), it’s an extra 15 points.

As you prepare to submit your EOI, let’s make sure you have all these elements in place. A positive skills assessment, proof of English language proficiency, and a clear understanding of your points score will set you up for success. Remember, the EOI is your chance to showcase your skills and qualifications to the Australian government, so let’s make it count!

Step-by-Step Guide to Submitting Your EOI

Now that you’ve prepared all the necessary information, let’s dive into the process of submitting your Expression of Interest (EOI) for Australia. We’ll break this down into three main steps to make it easier to follow.

  1. Creating an Account

To start your EOI submission, you need to create an account on SkillSelect, the online platform used by the Australian government to manage skilled migration. Here’s how we do it:

  1. Go to the SkillSelect website and click on “Create a SkillSelect account.”
  2. Provide your basic information, including your full name, date of birth, country of birth, passport details, and citizenship information.
  3. Enter your gender, place of residency, and relationship status.
  4. Choose a secure password and provide a valid email address.
  5. Review and confirm that all the details we’ve entered are correct.
  6. Submit the information to create your account.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll receive an email with your EOI ID and login details. You’ll need these to access your account in the future, so it’s a good idea to save this information in a safe place.

2. Filling Out the EOI Form

With your account set up, you can now start filling out the EOI form. This is where you provide detailed information about your skills, qualifications, and work experience. Here’s what we need to do:

  1. Log in to your SkillSelect account using the EOI ID and password you received.
  2. Select the visa subclass(es) we’re interested in applying for (189, 190, or 491).
  3. Enter our English language test results (IELTS, PTE, TOEFL, or OET).
  4. Provide details about your educational qualifications:
    • Qualification name
    • Course name
    • Institution name
    • Country of the institution
    • Start and end dates of the qualification
  5. Enter your employment history for the past 10 years:
    • Position title
    • Employer name
    • Country of employment
    • Start and end dates of employment
    • Indicate if the position is relevant to your chosen occupation
    • Specify if we’re claiming points for this employment
  6. Select your preferred location within Australia. You can choose “Any” if we’re open to all locations, or specify particular states or territories.
  7. Indicate if you’re willing to live in a regional area.
  8. If applicable, provide information about any dependents (partners or children aged 18 or older) and their English proficiency.

Remember, you don’t need to upload any supporting documents at this stage. The information you provide is taken at face value, but you must ensure it’s accurate and up-to-date.

3. Reviewing and Submitting

Before you submit your EOI, it’s crucial to review all the information you’ve entered. Here’s what you need to do in this final stage:

  1. Carefully go through each section of your EOI to make sure all the details are correct.
  2. Pay special attention to your claimed points for each category (age, English proficiency, work experience, etc.).
  3. If you notice any errors, you can go back and make corrections by clicking the “Previous” button.
  4. Once you’re confident that everything is accurate, you can submit your EOI.
  5. After submission, download a PDF copy of your EOI and points breakdown for your records.

It’s important that once you submit your EOI, it will remain active in the SkillSelect system for two years. During this time, you can update your EOI if your circumstances change, such as improving your English score or gaining new work experience. However, you can’t make any changes if you’ve already received an invitation to apply for a visa.

After you’ve successfully submitted your EOI for Australia. Now, your application will enter the pool of eligible candidates, where it will be reviewed and ranked based on your points score. If selected, we’ll receive an invitation to apply for a visa, which we’ll need to act on within 60 days. Good luck with your EOI submission!