About the 870 Visa

The purpose of this temporary visa is to allow parents of a settled Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen stay with their family in Australia for up to 3 or 5 years.

The Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa applicant must have an approved parent sponsor to apply for this visa. It provides an alternative option to Visitor visas which only allow shorter periods of stay. Parents are still eligible to apply for Visitor visas and/or permanent Parent visas.

Subclass: 870 Visa

Stay Duration: Upto 3 or 5 years.

DoHA Fees:  Up to 3 years – AU$5,000
Up to 5 years – AU$10,000
You pay for this visa fee in 2 instalments; first when you apply for the visa and second when DOHA asks you to.

Visa Conditions

As the visa applicant, you must,

  • have an approved Parent Sponsor before you can lodge an application for this visa
  • apply online for this visa
  • lodge your visa application within six months of the sponsorship approval, or 60 days if you are given Permission to Apply in Australia

Visa Eligibility

  • You must be outside Australia when you apply for this visa unless you have Permission to Apply in Australia, but not in immigration clearance. You can be in or outside Australia, but not in immigration clearance, when DOHA decides your application.
  • You must have an approved Parent Sponsor to apply for this visa.
  • To be eligible to apply, you must: be the biological, legal (including adoptive) parent, step-parent or parent-in-law of the Parent Sponsor AND be at least 18 years of age.
  • You must have met and complied with any previous visa obligations.
  • You must have, or have access to, enough money to support yourself while you are in Australia.
  • You must intend to: stay only temporarily in Australia AND do only the things the visa allows you to do.
  • You must have and maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance from an Australian Health Insurance provider to cover any unforeseen medical treatment you might need while you are in Australia.
  • You must meet all the health and character requirements.
  • If you are 18 years of age or older, you must: have read, or had explained to you, the Life in Australia book AND sign an Australian Values Statement that confirms you will respect the Australian way of life and obey Australian laws.
  • You must not have any debt to pay to the Australian government.

Visa Benefits

  • reunite with children
  • visit Australia for up to 3 or 5 years per visa
  • re-apply for further Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visas to visit up to a maximum period of 10 years in Australia

You cannot work in Australia while you hold this visa.

Notes for Sponsors

To be eligible as a Parent Sponsor,

  • you must be at least 18 years of age and be the child of the prospective visa applicant (or the child’s spouse or de facto partner).
    You must also be: an Australian citizen, OR an Australian permanent resident usually resident in Australia for at least four years or eligible New Zealand citizen usually resident in Australia for at least four years, AND you have not been unlawful or held a bridging visa (other than a bridging visa A, B or C) during the last four years.
    If you are sponsoring your Partner’s parents, your Partner must also be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
  • You also need to pass the income test:
    To pass the income test, your taxable income for the most recent completed taxable income year prior to the date of lodgement of the sponsorship application must be at least equal to, or greater than AUD83,454.80.
  • If you can’t pass the income test yourself, you can combine your taxable income with your partner and/or another child of the prospective visa applicant who is an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. If combining income, your taxable income must be at least 50 per cent of the taxable income amount specified to pass the income test.
  • You must have met and complied with any previous sponsorship obligations.
  • If you owe the Australian Government money, you must have paid it back or arranged to pay it back.
  • You must meet DOHA’s character requirement.
  • You must agree to share information with the prospective visa applicant and government agencies where necessary.
  • You must agree to comply with sponsorship obligations.

Scope of Sponsorship:

Your household is limited to one sponsorship at a time. Your sponsorship can cover up to 2 parents per household at a time.

You can sponsor one or both of your parents, OR one, or both, of your partner’s parents, OR one of your parents and one of your partner’s parents.

  • You must apply online to become an approved Parent Sponsor. The sponsorship application fee is AUD420.
  • You must be an approved Parent Sponsor before a Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 870) application can be lodged.
  • After you are approved as a Parent Sponsor, the Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 870) application(s) must be lodged within six months of the sponsorship approval or 60 days if you have been given Permission to Apply in Australia.
  • You must agree that you will:
    • provide financial support and accommodation for the sponsored parent while they are in Australia. This obligation ends if the sponsored parent is granted a permanent visa.
    • Tell DOJA if things change and if certain events occur. You need to let DOHA know, for example, if you are charged with a crime or the sponsored parent dies. This obligation ends the day after you cease to be a sponsor
    • pay back all outstanding public health debts incurred by the sponsored parent in Australia. This obligation ends when you have paid the debt back or have an approved arrangement in place to pay it back. You must pay the debt back even if the sponsored parent leaves Australia.

You will need to make your commitment to the obligations when completing the sponsorship application. If you don’t comply with your sponsorship obligations, DOHA might cancel your sponsorship and/or your parent’s visa.

  • Your sponsorship will end: if your permanent visa is cancelled OR if you die OR if you withdraw your sponsorship OR if the prospective visa applicant does not apply for a Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa within six months after approval of the sponsorship OR the day the granted Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa ends.

General Notes

  • You cannot include family members in your visa application.
  • There is no balance of family test or Assurance of Support requirements for this visa.
  • If you have already lodged a permanent parent visa application, you may visit Australia, but not remain in Australia permanently while the application is being decided. This is a temporary visa only. You will not have the right to permanent residence. You cannot apply for a permanent parent visa when you have this visa.
  • You can stay for a cumulative maximum ten year period in this visa. You cannot stay in Australia longer by extending this visa. You must apply for another visa.
  • You must be outside Australia for at least 90 days before being eligible to be granted another Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa unless you have Permission to Apply in Australia.
  • If you have held Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visas for the cumulative maximum ten year period, you must either depart Australia or apply for another kind of visa that will allow you to remain in Australia. You will not be eligible for grant of a further Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa. Consult with our expert registered migration agents to explore your visa options.

Permission to Apply in Australia:

Permission to Apply in Australia allows you to apply for this visa in Australia, but not in immigration clearance. It must be requested by your sponsor in their sponsorship application form.

If you have Permission to Apply in Australia, you must lodge your visa application within 60 days of sponsorship approval. If you do not apply within 60 days, you will have to lodge your visa application outside Australia within six months of sponsorship approval or make an application for a different kind of visa to remain in Australia.

If you do not have Permission to Apply in Australia, you must apply from outside Australia within six months of sponsorship approval or make an application for and be granted a different kind of visa to remain in Australia.

How can KBA Global assist you with this 870 visa application?

With a team of experts led by registered migration agents, KBA Global proudly stands as one of the very few highly trusted consultancies for its efficient, reliable services, and high visa success rates.

At KBA Global, all of our clients are served by highly qualified and trained migration agents who review each case thoroughly in adherence to the requirements set by the respective authorities.

Our expert and experienced migration agents will provide personalised service for your needs and availability to ensure your visa success. We are there for you to provide an in-depth understanding of what is required to get the visa and will provide help throughout the visa process.

No matter your needs, we’ve got you covered.

  • We offer English test preparation courses for selected locations.
  • We help you get in depth understanding of what is required to get the visa
  • KBA Global provides consultancy before, during and after if required.
  • We personalize service for your needs and availability.
  • We offer expert and experienced migration agents that you can trust.

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