444 Visa Overview

The Special Category visa is a temporary visa that lets you stay and work in Australia as long as you remain a New Zealand citizen. The Special Category visa is a temporary visa, and you do not have the same rights and benefits as Australian citizens or permanent residents. If you are seeking to become an Australian permanent resident, there are a range of visa options available to you that you can apply for in and outside Australia. Alternatively, you might choose to explore the option of applying for Australian citizenship.

Subclass: 444 Visa
Stay Duration: As long as you stay in Australia and remain a New Zealand citizen.
DoHA Fee: Free


As the visa applicant, you must,

    remain a New Zealand citizen

444 Visa Eligibility

  • You must have a valid New Zealand passport or New Zealand emergency travel document.
  • You can’t apply for this visa if you currently hold a visa that has a ‘no further stay’ condition.
  • You must not be a behaviour concern non-citizen meaning you might be refused entry into Australia if you have been
    • convicted of a crime that has resulted in a sentence of death or imprisonment for at least one year, or
    • convicted of two or more crimes that have resulted in sentences of imprisonment that add up to at least one year in some circumstances, or previously removed from Australia, or
    • previously removed or deported from another country
  • You must not be a health concern non-citizen meaning you might be refused entry into Australia if you;
    • have TB, are not carrying and taking appropriate medication, and
    • if you refuse to sign an undertaking to visit a Commonwealth Medical Officer within seven days of your entry.

444 Visa benefits

  • enter and stay in Australia as long as you remain a New Zealand citizen
  • work and study in Australia
  • apply for a permanent visa if eligible

General Notes

  • The visa is granted with a single entry. The visa starts on the date DOHA grants the visa. The visa ends on the date you depart Australia.
  • Each family member will need to make their SCV application by completing their incoming passenger card.
  • You usually apply for this visa upon arrival to Australia. In some cases, you may be able to apply for this visa once you are in Australia. This might be the case if you:
    • became a New Zealand citizen after you arrived in Australia or
    • entered on a passport that is not a New Zealand passport, or
    • entered on a temporary visa
  • If you apply on arrival in Australia, your application will be processed at their airport.
  • If you apply inside Australia, your application may take longer to process depending upon your individual circumstances.

444 Visa Application Process

To apply for visa subclass 444:

  1. Make sure you have a valid New Zealand passport. Additionally, ensure that:
    1. You currently don’t hold another temporary visa
    2. You currently don’t hold a visa that has a “no further stay” condition
  2. Request an SCV 444 appointment online. You will then be contacted by the Department regarding the date and time of appointment, as well as any additional documentation they may need, and the results of the application.

Renewing or Extending the 444 Visa

If you’ve been granted visa 444, it stays in effect during your entire stay in Australia and ceases on the date you leave Australia unless it ceases due to other reasons like being granted a permanent visa for Australian citizenship. Thus, you must apply for a new subclass 444 visa if you’re planning to come back to Australia again.

How can KBA Global assist you with this visa application?

With a team of experts led by registered migration agents, KBA Global proudly stands as one of the very few highly trusted consultancies for its efficient, reliable services, and high visa success rates.

At KBA Global, all of our clients are served by highly qualified and trained migration agents who review each case thoroughly in adherence to the requirements set by the respective authorities.

Our expert and experienced migration agents will provide personalised service for your needs and availability to ensure your visa success. We are there for you to provide an in-depth understanding of what is required to get the visa and will provide help throughout the visa process.

No matter your needs, we’ve got you covered.

  • We offer english test preparation courses for selected locations.
  • We help you get in depth understanding of what is required to get the visa
  • KBA Global provides consultancy before, during and after if required.
  • We personalize service for your needs and availability.
  • We offer expert and experienced migration agents that you can trust.

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