Temporary graduate visa programme in Australia has undergone a significant transformation, aimed at aligning with Australia’s demand workforce. This provides a more streamlined pathway for international graduates. This comprehensive overhaul, taking effect on July 1, 2024, introduces the Second Post Higher Education Work Stream, a strategic initiative designed to retain highly skilled talent and foster Australia’s economic growth.

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The New Second Post-Higher Education Work Stream

Known as the second post-study work stream under the temporary graduate subclass 485. This Second Post-Higher Education Work Stream offers an extended visa duration for international graduates who have completed their studies in Australia, allowing them to gain valuable work experience and contribute to the country’s thriving industries.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply, you must meet the following criteria.

  • Successful completion of a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degree from an Australian institution
  • Graduation within the last three years from the date of visa application
  • Compliance with the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement
  • Demonstration of proficient English language skills

Visa Duration and Conditions

The visa is valid for an extended period, enabling international graduates to gain practical work experience and potentially transition to permanent residency. The visa duration varies based on the academic qualifications obtained:

  • Bachelor’s degree holders: Up to 3 years
  • Master’s degree holders: Up to 4 years
  • Doctoral degree holders: Up to 5 years

As a visa holders, you are permitted to work in any occupation and are not bound by employer or location restrictions within the visa validity period. This flexibility empowers graduates to explore diverse career opportunities and contribute their skills across various industries and regions within Australia.

What regional opportunities awaits for visa holders

The Second Post-Higher Education Work Stream also includes a dedicated regional pathway that addresses skill shortages and promotes economic development in regional and rural areas of Australia. This pathway offers additional incentives and benefits for international graduates who choose to live and work in designated regional areas.

Regional Visa Advantages

By opting for the regional pathway, international graduates can enjoy the following advantages:

  • Extended visa duration: An additional year of visa validity beyond the standard duration
  • Streamlined pathway to permanent residency: Graduates may be eligible for priority processing and additional points towards permanent residency applications. You can check your PR points by using a PR points calculator to see your eligibility.

Designated Regional Areas

The Australian government has identified specific regional areas that qualify for the regional pathway benefits. These areas are subject to periodic review and may change based on evolving workforce demands and population distribution. You are encouraged to consult the official government resources for the most up-to-date list of designated regional areas.

Transition from Secondary Post Higher Education Work Stream to Permanent Residency options

One of the key advantages of the Temporary Graduate Visa Programme is the potential pathway to permanent residency in Australia. International graduates who have gained valuable work experience through the Secondary Post-Higher Education Work Stream may be eligible to apply for various skilled migration programmes, subject to meeting the specific requirements.

1. Skilled Migration Pathways

Several skilled migration programmes are available for temporary graduate visa holders, including:

Each programme has its own set of eligibility criteria, such as age, work experience, English language proficiency, skills assessment and Point system. Graduates are advised to thoroughly research and understand the requirements of each programme to determine the most suitable option for their circumstances.

2. Employer Sponsorship

In addition to skilled migration programmes, international graduates may also explore the option of employer sponsorship. Australian employers can sponsor eligible candidates for various visa categories, including the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa and the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa.

Employer sponsorship provides a direct pathway to permanent residency and offers the added benefit of securing employment with a reputable Australian company. Graduates are encouraged to network, attend job fairs, and actively engage with potential employers to explore sponsorship opportunities.

Preparing for the Application Process

Applying for the Secondary Post-Higher Education Work Stream requires careful planning and preparation. Applicants should gather all necessary documentation, including academic transcripts, English language proficiency test results, and evidence of financial capacity.

1. Online application and immiAccount

The application process for the temporary graduate visa is primarily conducted online through the Department of Home Affairs’ ImmiAccount portal. Applicants can create an immiaccount, complete the relevant forms, upload supporting documents, and track the progress of their application.

2. Health and character requirements

Applicants must provide health examinations and police clearance certificates to demonstrate good health and character as part of the visa application process. These requirements aim to ensure the safety and well-being of the Australian community.

3. Application fees and processing times

The Australian government charges application fees for the Temporary Graduate visa, which may vary depending on the applicant’s circumstances. Processing times can also fluctuate based on the volume of applications received and the complexity of individual cases. You must factor these considerations when planning their visa application timeline.

How to Maximise the Temporary Graduate Visa Experience

Temporary Graduate Visa Programme offers more than just a pathway to permanent residency; it provides an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Here are some tips on how you can maximise your visa experience.

  1. Gain relevant work experience.

Securing relevant work experience is crucial for enhancing employability and strengthening future visa applications. Graduates should actively seek internships, volunteering opportunities, or entry-level positions within their field of study to gain valuable hands-on experience and demonstrate their skills to potential employers.

  1. Networking and professional development.

Attending industry events, joining professional associations, and participating in networking activities can open doors to valuable connections and career advancement opportunities. Graduates should also consider pursuing professional development courses or certifications to enhance their skill set and stay competitive in the job market.

  1. Cultural immersion and community engagement

Living and working in Australia offers a unique opportunity for cultural immersion and personal growth. As graduates, we encouraged you to embrace the diverse Australian culture. One must participate in community events, and engage with local organisations to broaden their perspectives and develop a deeper understanding of the country’s values and way of life.

Top 3 Supporting Services and Resources

The Australian government and various organisations offer a range of support services and resources to assist international graduates throughout their visa journey and beyond.

Government Resources

The Department of Home Affairs and the Department of Education, Skills and Employment provide comprehensive information and guidance on visa requirements, eligibility criteria, and application processes. Their official websites and online resources are valuable sources of up-to-date information.

Educational Institutions and Career Services

Universities in Australia and educational institutions offer career services and support programmes specifically tailored to international graduates. These services may include resume writing workshops, job search assistance, and networking opportunities with potential employers.

Community Organisations and Support Networks

Various community organisations and support networks exist to help international graduates navigate the challenges of living and working in Australia. These groups can provide valuable insights, mentorship, and a sense of community for those adjusting to a new cultural and professional environment.

Need help with the Second Post Higher Education Work Stream visa transition

The revised Temporary Graduate visa programme in Australia, with the introduction of the Second Post Higher Education Work Stream, presents a wealth of opportunities for international graduates. By understanding the eligibility criteria, visa conditions, and potential pathways to permanent residency, graduates can make decisions and maximise their chances of success. To avoid any confusions and hassle during the process, you must consult to a registered migration expert near you.

Exploring regional opportunities, seeking relevant work experience, and engaging with the local community are key strategies for leveraging the Temporary Graduate visa program to its fullest potential. With careful planning, dedication, and a commitment to personal and professional growth, international graduates can pave the way for a rewarding and fulfilling future in Australia.

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